From Chief Garrett Foster:
Welcome to Our Webpage!
The men and women of the Jasper Police Department are diverse group of individuals committed to maintaining the highest level of safety and trust within our community. Our dedicated officers will work tirelessly to ensure your well-being and protection.
One of the core reasons I am passionate about becoming your Police Chief is my belief in proactive and community-focused policing strategies. I am committed to building trust and collaboration between the police department and the community we serve. By encouraging community engagement, transparency, and accountability, I believe we can create a safer and more cohesive environment for all residents.
The Department employs 26 Sworn Officers, 7 full-time civilian employees and has 2 reserve officers who are dedicated to "protect and serve" the citizens of Jasper.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email me at
Safety Tips
· Be aware of your surroundings
· Report suspicious activities
· Keep valuables secure
Together, let's build a safer and stronger community!
Thank you for your support.

Chief Garrett Foster
Jasper Police Department